Monday, April 12, 2010

Stampin' Up!'s NEW Color Renovation!!!!

I'm sure you have all heard THE most exciting announcement ever from Stampin' Up! this week. They are renovating the color line-up and it is fabulous!!! No, I mean FABULOUS!!! I've waited forever for this. Stampin' Up! while having great quality colors, really needed to step it up and get on trend with some of the great colors that are so popular today.

Stampin' Up! is releasing 5 BRAND NEW COLORS and bringing back 10 of the retired In Colors!! On July 1st with the release of the new Idea Book & Catalog, this will be our NEW color collections...fabulous, right? I am so excited!!!

Click on the Color Renovation chart below to view and print:

5 NEW COLORS on the chart above are:Marina Mist, Daffodil Delight, Cherry Cobbler, Cajun Craze and Early Espresso
10 returning IN COLORS on the chart above are:Baja Breeze, Melon Mambo, Pink Pirouette, Rich Razzleberry, Riding Hood Red, River Rock, Soft Suede, Tangerine Tango and Wild Wasabi

Just beautiful, huh???
As with all new things, sometimes we have to get rid of the old to make room for the new. So these are the colors we will bid a Fold Farewell to. They have served us well but it is time to move over and let the Color Renovation shine though!!!
Remember you have 3 months to stock up on these colors if you can't live without them. They won't be going away until the end of June.

Click on the Color Renovation chart below to view and print:

Current colors that will retire in June are: Glorious Green, Green Galore, Gable Green, Yoyo Yellow, Only Orange, Pink Passion, Pixie Pink, Orchid Opulence, Lovely Lilac, Brilliant Blue, Close to Cocoa, Creamy Caramel, Really Rust, Ruby Red, Cameo Coral, Summer Sun, Bordering Blue, Brocade Blue, Ballet Blue, Taken with Teal, Handsome Hunter, Pale Plum, Blush Blossom (the marker will still be available), Apricot Appeal, Barely Banana, Mellow Moss, Sage Shadow, Almost Amethyst, Lavender Lace, Basic Brown, Going Gray.

More interesting tidbits:
With the release of the NEW 2010-2011 Big Idea Book & Catalog - the In-Color line will be sticking around for 2 - YES 2 - years!!!
5 NEW colors will be added each year - for a total of 10 In-Colors!!!!
If you have all the old colors - you will only need to add 5 NEW colors to your collection!!!

I am SUPER EXCITED about this new offering!!!! It's time to revamp things, brighten them up and offer YOU some new possibilities.....
Yippee for the Color Renovation! Thank you Stampin' Up! You ROCK!!!

Out with the OLD - in with the NEW!!!

Thanks for stopping by...


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